Thanks to all that joined the True Life in God Presentation by Father John Corbett
We would like to thank all those that organized and attended the gathering on Saturday, April 6, 2024, hosted by the TLIG South Shore Boston prayer group in MA. The event took place at the Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, MA.
Father John Corbett gave an excellent presentation on Vassula Rydén and the True Life in God Messages. His talk covered many subjects discussed in the Messages, with a strong emphasis on the importance of developing an intimate and personal relationship with God. Thank you Father John.
it is good to do good works for Me and follow some devotions as well as acts of love, thanksgivings and acts of reparation, but I would be greatly disappointed that you would die before having known Me; I would be greatly distressed were you to die now before having understood Me; many of you are busy with your daily chores, which please Me if they are done with love and they are according to My Mind, but all of this would be incomplete if you do not open to grace and acknowledge Me in My intimacy; so come and accept My familiar companionship and I, in My good pleasure, I will take you into the mysteries and the hidden secrets of Our Heart; you and We, will become inseparably united in Our Love for ever end ever;
TLIG Message (November 2, 1997)
About 40 people or so came for the talk and was followed by some food, socializing and browsing the books and artwork.
Vassula’s artwork on display. Some inspired by renowned artists of the past century
Pre-event photo of the books and room
Organize your own Witness Meeting
If you are interested in inviting Father John or another speaker to your area, please contact your regional coordinator.