True Life in God Northwest Regional Retreat in Spokane, Washington

(October 16–17, 2024)
“The Discernment of living a True Life in God”

Witness presentation by Fr. John Corbett

The Northwest AATLIG Region held a regional 24-hour retreat at the beautiful Immaculate Heart Retreat Center of Spokane Washington, where the fall colors were in their full glory.  Fr John Corbett started the event by giving a TLIG Witness presentation to the twenty-five retreatants, 10 of which were new to the Messages of True Life in God.  All were in rapt attention to Fr John's inspirational insights of living a True Life in God. Even the flock of turkeys, at the full-length windows, were clamoring to hear!

On the first evening, after dinner, we were treated to a spiritual desert of a "fireside chat" by Fr John, of New Jersey, and Barbara Isaksson out of Boston, who traveled to us on her birthday!  Both are long time readers of the TLIG Messages.  They shared with us their experiences of their living a True Life in God, their many pilgrimages, and of meeting Vassula personally.  This was followed by a Questions & Answers session. It was a very novel format, which made it inspirational, interesting and enjoyable, as was reported by many of those in attendance.

Organist Lynn Yew Evers, Ann Horobiowski, and Jim Thiessen lead the Liturgical Mass music.

The next morning, Fr John celebrated Mass in the very beautiful chapel.  His homily was about the process of discernment, as outlined by the Ignatian 8 steps of Discernment.  He broke it down in understandable language and spoke of the importance of this exercise in our spiritual life.

After breakfast, we had a lighthearted and sometimes hilarious discussion of the characteristics that can destroy any meeting, but especially a prayer meeting.

Fr. John leading the TLIG prayer meeting

We ended our retreat with Fr. John guiding us through a prayer meeting.  He asked us to focus on the very real presence of Jesus with us, whenever we are gathered in prayer, and to recognize the fruits of that experience.  Jesus has something to say to us at every prayer meeting.  It's our gift to listen and to discern what the Lord is saying to us, in the reading of Holy Scripture and in the TLIG Messages. As a result, as in the journey to Emmaus, "our hearts are set on fire", to live a True Life in God, and to spread the good news found in the Messages. What a gift to gather and to participate in a prayer group!

Books given freely during the retreat

Our Northwest Region was very blessed and supported by many volunteers, and our very gifted Spokane prayer group, who donated flowers, music, programs, sacristan duties, box moving, transportation, flyer distribution, and an energetic set up and clean-up work.

Great thanks and gratitude to both Fr John Corbett and Barbara Isaksson for making the arduous trip from New Jersey and Boston and for their cooperation with the Holy Spirit for the success of the Northwest Regional AATLIG Retreat. Praise the Lord!!!

Sunset at the Immacuate Heart retreat center

So, deserving of our thanks, is the staff at the beautiful gem of our Spokane Immaculate Heart Retreat Center.  As this was our first regional organized retreat, they patiently answered endless questions and provided for our every need before, during, and after our retreat.  This enabled everyone, even the organizers, to be at peace.

We also want to thank all of those who participated and shared with us their great devotion and love for our Lord. This was especially evident at mealtimes, where they expressed their gratitude and hunger for the opportunity to gather as a TLIG spiritual family.  We also want to thank them for their generous donations in support of our AATLIG Evangelization and Beth Myriam ministries. The question was asked, would we do it again...?  Upon reflection, with the great support of our friends in Christ, we most certainly would do it again!

May God bless our work!
Carole Dillon, Jim Thiessen
AATLIG NW Regional coordinators

This story has come from our “Reader’s Heart” series.  If you would also like to share with us a TLIG Message, or a passage from the Messages, which spoke to your heart, we invite you to our “Reader’s Heart form