Spring Cleaning of Our DVD’s From Vassula’s Talk’s
FREE package of these 5 DVD’s of Vassula's talks
As technology is changing so rapidly, many people are not using DVD’s anymore. But, for those who are , we are writing to you, dear dedicated readers of the Messages, to make available to you a Complimentary package of 5 DVD’s of Vassula's talks.
The grace of reading the True Life in God Messages has brought Jesus closer to each of us and in return allowed us to grow so much closer in our intimacy with Him.
We would like to thank God, our Tender Father, for this blessing, an underserved treasure from the Sacred Heart for our times!
As Jesus has said: “freely I give, so give freely too”; May 5, 1987
If you are interested, please send an email with your name and address to AA@TLIG.US and we will be happy to mail them to you by post..
Thank You for your dedication to the True Life in God Messages!
Wishing You a blessed Lenten Season,
AATLIG Volunteers