A Glimpse into the True Life in God
Prison Ministry: A Light of Hope

Mathew 25:36:  'I was in prison, and you came to visit me.’

Part of the original letter from Rebecca Taylor (Becky)

We would like to share a glimpse into the TLIG prison ministry.  In the past few years, many TLIG readers felt inspired to contact Prison Chaplains throughout the U.S. and Canada. Their sole purpose was to provide TLIG books and materials to the prison inmates.

If the prison chaplain agreed, then the volunteers would send some prison material, like the TLIG books, Prayer Cards, or the Prayer Meeting Guidelines.  Depending on what the chaplain agreed upon.

One of our volunteers, upon approval, sent the ‘Prayer Card "For Prisoners" Message from Jesus’ to some prisons.

It includes a personal, beautiful, and intimate message from Jesus for the inmates.  By the end of the card, there is also an invitation: “To please write to us! We would love to hear from you! AATLIG. “

After some time, we received a heartfelt letter from an inmate, Rebecca Taylor, from the Cheboygan Jail in Michigan.  She allowed us to share her letter on the tlig.us website and the AATLIG newsletter.  On September 24, 2004 she wrote:


My name is Rebecca Taylor.  I am currently incarcerated in Cheboygan County Jail in Cheboygan, MI.  I was sent a “Prayer Card For Prisoners" by one of my dearest friends who is also incarcerated. In a prison in Marquette, MI - (Michael).

When I received the prayer – I was thoroughly moved by the Poem/Letter from Jesus.  I showed my cellmates (cell 7), and they also received Hope from the Message they read.  I don’t believe we were sent this poem by chance.  We were all at a point where we began to feel hopeless.  A point where we really needed to be uplifted by God’s Promises and Words.  Reading that Poem not only brought us hope – it brought us together – as well as restored our faith in Jesus Christ.  It's easy to get lost in despair when trapped in 1 room all but 3 hours a week... Easy to lose hope...to fall into the trap of self-pity.

So, receiving that Poem – for us girls – at the time we did – really gave us all that bit of hope we so truly needed.

So, we Thank You!  So very much!  From the Bottom of our hearts...

God Bless you all!  Your Message touches more people than you could ever know!

We are all sending prayer requests.  I hope that's OK – I Know and Believe in the Power of Prayer.  There is nothing more Powerful!!!

Thank You a head of time for praying for all of us!

Rebecca Taylor”

It was amazing that the inmate that received the TLIG prayer card mailed it to other inmates in a different prison in another state.  They were also inspired to encourage each other inside of the prison.  Jesus' message is like Light that brings Hope through the darkest valleys.  Let’s pray for Rebecca and other inmates, that they may be healed and grow in Christ!

If you are interested in the TLIG prison ministry, please contact your “TLIG Regional Coordinator.”  They will walk you through the process and supply the TLIG materials needed!