Jesus turned the night into Dancing

I remember when I shared the “TRUE LIFE IN GOD Volume I” book and the “HEAVEN IS REAL, BUT SO IS HELL” book with one of my parishioner friends in one of the churches in the Midwest area.  This gentleman, after reading some of it, really loved it, and made a comment that he was very touched by how Vassula was being deeply persecuted.  I was aware of it, but at that time my understanding about persecution was not fully empathetic.  This changed for me recently, when I had some firsthand experience. At first, I was not aware that my husband and I were being persecuted at the church (not related to the TLIG messages) until a priest, who we hoped could help us to change our situation, asked me:  "Do you feel that you are being persecuted?" There you go, obviously, we are.  The term "persecution' gave me a frame of mixed feelings, looking for justice, feelings of anger, despair, anxiety, and a sense of desolation.  Then, looking for Jesus' guidance, I clicked a random TLIG message on the TLIG website:

(Heavily persecuted.)


I am;

I have not come to bring peace to the earth: it is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword … evangelise with love My angel, for Love; I shall help you;

it is I, Jesus Christ, and I love you

So, during my exile, I sat at the cafeteria at a Fransiscan monastery which opens daily for everybody, and when I walked out to my car to take my backpack, I saw a man at the garden, looked like he was in his thirties, smiled to me.  I smiled back, walked to the car, took my backpack, and I was about to walk back to the cafeteria, when the same young man was also walking to his car, parked close to mine.  His friendly attitude gave me the courage to share the TLIG messages with him, and when I offered to read a random message, he agreed.  While showing him how Jesus asks us to change Vassula's name with our own name, this is the message we read:

“Vassula of My Sacred Heart, do you want to consecrate yourself entirely to Me?

Yes, my Lord, I want.

then say these words:

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
come and invade me completely
so that my motives will be Your Motives...”

Reading about 2 paragraphs, I checked whether he was interested in hearing more, and he nodded, confirming.  I continued with another 2 paragraphs, and I heard some sniffling and a runny nose sound. My first thought was, 'Oh well it's flu season anyway'.  After the 4th paragraph, I felt it was pretty good enough for an introduction.  Then I looked at this young man’s face, and he was actually in tears.  I never saw someone so deeply affected by the messages, so I had nothing to say, I just tried to give the date of the message and share the website.


Later that day, my husband and I were rejoicing about this man's acceptance of Jesus' message.  Later, I learned that Jesus could heal us instantly, if we ask for it, and tell Him frankly of what is really hurting us.  Jesus never ever leaves us alone!  Jesus turned the dark night into dancing!

Thank you, Lord Jesus!


This story has come from our “Reader’s Heart” series.  If you would also like to share with us a TLIG Message, or a passage from the Messages, which spoke to your heart, we invite you to our “Reader’s Heart form