Jesus' Hand
After my conversion, through an encounter with the True Life in God Messages in 2002, I have had a very strong thirst for the Word of God, and for the TLIG messages themselves, a thirst that seems unquenchable. I have already read the TLIG messages a few times, completely through, and now I am reading the Bible completely from beginning to end. The TLIG messages do satisfy this thirst the most, but I feel that even if I would read them 10 times it would not be enough. They helped me to learn to pray ceaselessly and lead me to evangelize around my community by sharing with others the TLIG Messages.
An effort I made in evangelizing is when I shared the TLIG messages on a leaflet, with the picture of Jesus, some quotes from the TLIG messages, the website, and the phone number to order the TLIG books. I went through the whole city of my neighborhood on foot, and also a little beyond. Delivering the leaflet to every door.
After the first few days of making my deliveries, I got a call from the TLIG bookstore, asking if I was involved with the distribution of leaflets in my area. The bookstore received a phone call from a man living in my area, that he noticed a young man leaving a leaflet at his door. This man was very suspicious, taking his gun and aiming it at the young man. He called the number on the leaflet, to make a complaint. The bookstore went over their readers list and found that I was the only one who lived in the city where this man lived. Then they decided to call and warn me.
At first, I was in shock hearing this. As I felt that I received a sort of death threat! Supposedly someone was about to shoot me through the door! I guess they thought I was a burglar! And since I was doing it in the mornings before mass and work, I almost gave up this evangelizing effort then and there! Still in shock, I knelt and asked Jesus for guidance! And after opening the TLIG messages at random, Jesus gave me this exact line:
"ah Vassiliki! stop your sighing, I have heard you; My Hand is stronger than My enemy’s”
And so, I immediately got up and went out, continuing my TLIG leaflet deliveries!
Thank you, Jesus!
This story has come from our “Reader’s Heart” series. If you would also like to share with us a TLIG Message, or a passage from the Messages, which spoke to your heart, we invite you to our “Reader’s Heart form”