I am your Consoler

I am a ”cradle Catholic” and attended a Catholic school. This led me to become a part of the Church, but not necessarily helped me to build up a personal connection with God. The first transformation happened when going to the sacrament of confession at the St Peter Cathedral (a block away from my school). All the Catholic students lined up and confessed their sins as part of the school program. My confessor was a priest whom later, I understood, studied Justice and Peace. He did not assign me any penitence, but instead said with a fatherly loving voice: "God loves you! Very, very much loves you!" I was not the only student who ended up with tears among the kids who confessed to him. Since then, the relationship with God started to become real and personal.

Another 18 years passed, and the True Life in God Messages had come into my life. Then, the relationship with Jesus was steadily progressing within its own pace. Then there came a certain day, I was working and living in the city, it was my second job after finishing college. I came home at midday, and somehow, I felt very restless and struggled to be at peace. I cannot remember what exactly caused these emotions, but I can remember how these emotions were very difficult to cope with. I tried different things, reading, calling a friend, sleeping, praying, listening to music, etc., but the restlessness persisted. Sitting alone in my apartment, my eyes were drawn to the Jesus picture on the cover of the TLIG book that was on a small table in front of me. I opened it randomly, and read Jesus words:

“beloved, I am your Consoler! lean your head on Me, allow Me to caress you and soothe your pain, allow Me to whisper in your ear My words; inside My Heart I have a place for you; spend no time elsewhere; come now in your place;

I’m incapable …

I will lift you and place you in there;”

And then Jesus added:

“I am He who loves you most”

Immediately there was an overwhelming flow of emotions, followed by a deep Peace afterwards.

Since then, I know that Jesus knows of everything that's going on in my life.  He truly cares, and I feel I can come to Him anytime.  He will always answer when I call.  He's always there.  It was a milestone in our “We, Us” journey.

Thank you, Lord Jesus!


This story has come from our “Reader’s Heart” series.  If you would also like to share with us a TLIG Message, or a passage from the Messages, which spoke to your heart, we invite you to our “Reader’s Heart form