“Gifts of the Holy Spirit “Extracts from True Life in God booklet has been reprinted and is now available once again.
The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are from the True Life in God messages from The Holy Spirit himself! In depth teachings of these 7 Gifts. They were given in the first Volume of the Messages 1995 and 1996. Included is message from March 2010 found in Volume II
Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety, Fear of the Lord
Excerpts from this booklet:
…..come and ask for these seven gifts of My Holy Spirit and I, the Author of heaven and earth, Word and God, will lavish you with My gifts; I will offer you, to save you, My seven gifts; to prosper you into a delightful vineyard I will teach you temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude;……
peace be with you …. dress My Wounds with love in My Holy Spirit; seek always My Holy Spirit; come and learn: to preserve your soul from any ill-dispositions and from temptations, ask My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, to govern you in holiness and help you grow in grace and wisdom so that you, too, will not be carried away by the errors that are promulgated more and more in My Church;
To order your copies of the Odes of the Holy Trinity, visit the AATLIG Online Bookstore